Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

Smokey Eyes in Seven Steps

This is a look that works for just about any eye shape or color

Step 1
First use an eye shadow base or an oil-free foundation on your eyelids to help your eye makeup go on smoothly and adhere better.

Step 2
Take your medium color of eye shadow and use it on your lid and above the crease area. Do not take it all the way up to the eyebrows. On the outer corner of your eyes, keep it in an upwards motion.

Step 3
Use either your shadow brush or flat eyeliner brush and place the same color of eye shadow under your eyes as though you were lining them and bring the color upwards until it meets the color you applied to the crease area.

Step 4
Smudge under your eyes with a cotton swab. You may need a second coat. If so, now is the time to apply it.

Step 5
Line both your upper and lower eyelids

Step 6
Take a pale color of eye shadow in an ivory or very light pink and use it under your eyebrows to give more emphasis to the crease color. Place a little at the inner corner of the eye area next to the bridge of your nose.

Step 7
Use black mascara and apply with the smudge proof mascara technique.

Copyright by caribbeanemagazine
Image from Google